
  • 06/03/2010
  • 02/28/2021

Mitsukoshi Ebisu Department Store (??究??絲推??莇?鐚?

Ebisu Mitsukoshi(??究??絲推??莇?鐚? Around Ropongi area, you will not be able to find easily the Japanese typical department store. You can find easily the goods you want at your favorite or creditable store are already fixed around Roppongi. This condition can be the proof that you are at celebrities class. In case that you are invited formally suddenly by your mother in law or your girfriens’s(Or boy friend’s) mother, for example, meanwhile, the situation that you cannot imagine what you have to bring as a souvenirs, what will you do? You know well that many Japanese adore the brand. I can say that some madame and monsieur still tend to be caught their mind by the high class department store’s wrapping paper. Even you will bring something not so expensive, department store’s wrapping paper grade up even your credit. Even you don’t expect such a situation, you can remind that Ebisu Mitsukoshi( ??究??絲推??莇?) locates around Roppongi鐚?????????????downtown. This department store is tiny, established by 4 floors, but so suitable to choose and everything is ready. Even with your kids those need to change the diapers, you don’t need to hesitate. Then you can also have a chance to encounter the reasonable foods […]

  • 06/01/2010
  • 02/28/2021

Roppongi Travel Guide

Now once you hear Roppongi(???????), it remind you of Ropoingi Hills (??????????????), Izumi Garden (羈?????若?????)?and International caf辿s or restaurants, which are something luxury and exotic. Actually at Roppongi, it???s easy to find the international and luxury air. To reach those modern style at Roppongi, it might be unimaginable for you that Roppongi was a residence area for samurai in the Edo era. Once moving into the Meiji era, it was replaced?by the?Japanese military base. Then, after World War 2, these equipments were switched to the UN. Map of Roppongi in the Edo era. Accordingly such an Americanized circumstance allowed Roppongi to make international air. Of course, some embassies around Roppongi also make the international air. Under the above historical track, Roppongi becomes one of the attractive downtown, as you see Roppongi Hills, Izumi Garden and so on. Now you got the summarized background of Roppongi. Keeping?it in your mind, you can spend your customized day at Roppongi. Spending time at Roppongi will not make you feel nostalgic of your country and you can also enjoy Japanese taste. Everything you need from day to night is prepared at Roppongi, it will not make you bother. First of all, on the foot […]