
  • 07/16/2010
  • 02/28/2021

Kaki-gori : Japanese Cool Summer Sweets

Have you ever heard of ???Kaki-gori (??????羂?)???? Kaki-gori is shaved ice flavored with syrup, a popular sweets in Japan. Of course there are ice cream and gelato, but Kaki-gori is much cooler: it will even give you headaches if you eat too much. The history of Kaki-gori is old: it appears in ???Makura-no-soshi (??????絖?)???, an essay written about 1000 years ago. There are various flavors of Kaki-gori. Strawberry, melon, banana???and there are Japanese flavors too. The most famous flavor must be ???Uji-kintoki (絎?羃脂?????)???. Uji is the name of a high-quality Japanese tea, and Kintoki is a kind of sweet beans. Uji-kintoki is a Kaki-gori with Japanese tea flavored syrup, and sweet bean paste as a topping. Kaki-gori is available at most family restaurants and some cafes during the summer time, but if you are interested in Japanese flavors such as Uji-kintoki, it may be a good idea to try Kaki-gori at specialized stores of Japanese tea or Japanese sweets. Some Japanese tea stores have cafes attached to the store, at which you can enjoy Japanese flavored Kaki-gori, ice creams, cakes, etc. Below are the list of recommended stores. Kyo Hayashiya Location: 3 minutes walk from Omotesando Station / Hanzomon Line, […]